Media Releases
Stay informed with the latest media updates and insights from the G20. Here, you’ll find official press releases, statements, and key highlights.
Our aim is to keep the global audience, stakeholders, and media professionals up-to-date on the collective actions driving inclusive growth and sustainable development worldwide. Explore this space for credible and timely information shaping the global agenda.
Access a comprehensive collection of speeches delivered by G20 leaders, policymakers, and delegates.
This archive serves as a resource, providing insights into the key priorities, strategies, and commitments shaping the global agenda. Explore visionary addresses and pivotal statements that highlight the G20’s collective efforts to foster international collaboration, sustainable growth, and shared prosperity. Stay informed with direct access to the words shaping the future.
Media Accreditation
Media accreditation is strictly reserved for members of the press who represent bona fide media organisations. Please follow the online application process and apply within the designated timeline to secure your credentials.