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Under the Brazilian Presidency of the G20 in 2024, the Research and Innovation Working Group (RIWG) inaugural meeting was held, where the Terms of Reference (ToRs) were developed. The ToRs outline the functional modality for the RIWG. The mandate of the RIWG is to address how to better employ research and innovation to address global challenges; to promote science, technology, innovation, and international cooperation for sustainable development; to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices; and to reduce gaps in the access to and the production of science, technology, and innovation.

Stemming from the previous two G20 presidencies of India and Brazil, India’s Research and Innovation Initiative Gathering theme was Research and Innovation for Equitable Society, supported by the following priority areas: material for sustainable energy; circular bio-economy; eco-innovations for energy transition; and scientific challenges and opportunities towards achieving a sustainable blue economy. Brazil’s 2024 theme was Open Innovation for a Just and Sustainable Development, supported by the following priority areas: Priority number 1 was open innovation for strengthening international north-south cooperation in science, technology, and innovation (STI) solutions. Priority number 2 focused on open innovation for the decarbonisation of the economy, including energy transitions and bioeconomy. Priority number 3 was on open innovation to guarantee the right access and information about health; priority number 4: research and open innovation for a sustainable Amazon; and priority number 5: inclusion, diversity and combatting inequalities in science, technology and innovation.

In line with South Africa’s G20 theme, Solidarity, Equality, Sustainability, the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DTSI) has identified the following theme for the RIWG: Equity in Science and Innovation-based Approach to Sustainable Development. The theme will be supported by the following three key priority areas:

  • Priority 1: Open Innovation for Development.
  • Priority 2: Biodiversity for Sustainable Development.
  • Priority 3: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Science, Technology, and Innovation.



Proposed deliverables 

  • The G20 Open Innovation Platform of Platforms
  • An Open Innovation Demonstrator Project on Disaster Risk Reduction

To better deliver on this topic, South Africa will work with the United Nations Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) as knowledge partners. UNESCO has already done a lot of work related to the topic through the 2021 Open Science recommendations, which will assist in unpacking the topic in relation to South Africa, the African continent’s development, and the G20 members.

Knowledge Partners

Proposed local knowledge partners are the African Open Science Platform (AOSP) hosted by the National Research Foundation, the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), and the National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO).


Proposed Deliverables 

  • G20’s support to promote the GBIF network expansion through the 18 Convention on Biodiversity Regional Support Offices
  • A seminar highlighting museum collaboration to equitably reduce the capacity and knowledge asymmetry
  • The G20 support for GBIF to build a Catalogue of Life (a list of all the world’s species)

Knowledge Partners

Proposed local partners include the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE), and the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. International knowledge partners specific to this topic will include the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and UNESCO. The GBIF plans to expand its Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) Programme in Africa.


Proposed Deliverables  

The proposed deliverables will include the following:

  • G20 Analytical Framework for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STI Policies and Policy Instruments
  • Analysis of Innovation for Inclusive Development Policies, Models and Approaches adopted by the G20 and propose recommendations on how to address gaps
  •  Declaration/recommendations on science popularisation (dissemination/ citizen science).
  • G20-UNESCO side event on women and girls in science

Knowledge Partners 

Proposed local knowledge partners are the Human Sciences Research Council and the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA), hosted by the National Research Foundation.