Think (T20) produces, discusses, consolidates and presents ideas on how to face current and emerging challenges that may be addressed by the Group of 20. The T20 brings together think tanks, G20 research institutes and countries invited by the rotating presidency.
The T20 differs from other engagement groups in that it does not address a specific topic but contributes to several of them. National and international think tanks are invited to contribute in a variety of formats — by participating in T20 conferences and meetings, organising side events and submitting Policy Briefs. The latter presents information based on current scientific research and suggestions for actions to contribute to discussions on public policies, and inform and influence G20 guidelines, recommendations and final statements.
The T20 was established during the Mexican presidency in 2012 and has adopted different formats over the last 11 years, with increasing involvement from think tanks and research institutes. Since the German presidency in 2017, the T20 has produced more structured recommendations and Policy Briefs and sought to influence and dialogue with the Finance and Sherpa tracks.
Three institutions have been selected to lead the T20 during South Africa’s G20 presidency. They are the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD), the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) and the Institute for Pan-African Thought and Conversation (IPACT) at the University of Johannesburg.Â