Financial sector issues are discussed directly by finance ministers and central bank governors. There is no specific working group at which these issues are discussed, although there is a dedicated programme…
The Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG) aims to mobilise sustainable finance as a way of ensuring global growth and stability and promoting the transitions towards greener, more resilient and inclusive societies…
The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) is an inclusive platform for G20 countries, non-G20 countries and relevant stakeholders for peer learning, knowledge sharing, policy advocacy and coordination. It is the primary…
The International Financial Architecture Working Group (IFAWG) was established following the 2008−09 global financial crisis. Over the years, it has discussed policies to promote a more stable, resilient and balanced international financial…
Formally, the International Tax Agenda is not classified as a working group. Subsidies and formulations created between member countries are discussed and decided on directly by representatives of finance ministries and central…
The Framework Working Group (FWG) is instrumental in coordinating global economic policy discussions among G20 member countries. Established in response to the 2008−09 global financial crisis, the group discusses current…
The Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) discusses various aspects of infrastructure financing such as identifying and suggesting innovative instruments for securing financial investment resources. Recently, the group has been addressing the question of…