The C20 aims to ensure that world leaders pay attention to the recommendations and demands of organized civil society. The goal is to promote environmental protection, boost social and economic development and ensure human rights.
The C20 seeks positive results for society, under the principle of economic justice, and focuses on effective financial means and efficient resource allocation to achieve these results. The principle is “leave no one behind”. In this way, the group seeks to ensure greater balance in the dialogue with the G20, being a space that works to ensure that civil society has the same level of access to governments as representatives of the economic sectors.
Thus, in addition to working towards greater G20 accountability – a set of practices used by managers to render accounts and carry out social control – the C20 is home to organisations dedicated to developing innovative solutions and is an important long-term contributor to both the Sherpas Track and the Finance Track.
The C20 was formalised as an official G20 engagement group in 2013, during the Russian presidency of the Group, and has grown stronger every year.