Y20 enables dialogue between young people from G20 member countries. As future leaders of their nations and the world, they have the opportunity to reflect on the priority agenda of youth; to influence debates; and to contribute to the preparation of public policies.
As the world moves into an increasingly interconnected and complex future, the role of youth is ever more vital in policymaking. This is the scenario in which Y20 emerges, providing young leaders from all over the world with the opportunity to participate as protagonists in reflection processes concerning global issues; share experiences and knowledge; negotiate; and prepare proposals, solutions and consensus for G20 discussions and decisions.
Youth participation in the international decision-making process is more than a necessity: it is an imperative. Their perspectives and innovations are fundamental to addressing issues that are relevant to the world—ranging from climate change and sustainability to social justice and economic inclusion.
The Y20, in this sense, is a vital channel for integrating these voices into the global dialogue, ensuring that policies and strategies developed within the G20 are not only comprehensive, but also progressive and resilient.
The objective of this dialogue is the effective participation of young people within the G20, with the elaboration of a Communiqué — a document that summarizes the main conclusions and positions agreed upon by the participants or leaders of G20 member countries, with the demands and priorities of youth, to be widely disseminated throughout society and formally presented to the Summit of Heads of State.
The first Y20 summit was established in Vancouver, Canada, in 2010—and, according to the G20 definition, it is aimed at young people aged 18-30. Previous editions of Y20 have become intense engagement platforms, capturing the passion and energy inherent to global youth.